Heritage High School Media Center
Heritage High School's Hub for the Digital Learning Environment
"The school library media program is not only integral to and supportive of the school curriculum, but also provides a mechanism for choice and exploration beyond the prescribed course of study. The school library media program provides a wide range of resources and information that satisfy the educational needs and interests of students. Materials are selected to meet the wide range of students individual learning styles. The school library media center is a place where students may explore more fully classroom subjects that interest them, expand their imagination, delve into areas of personal interest, and develop the ability to think clearly, critically, and creatively about the resources they have chosen to read, hear, or view. The school library media center provides a setting where students develop skills they will need as adults to locate, analyze, evaluate, interpret, and communicate information and ideas in an information-rich world. Students are encouraged to realize their potential as informed citizens who think critically and solve problems, to observe rights and responsibilities relating to the generation and flow of information and ideas, and to appreciate the value of literature in an educated society. The school library media program serves all of the students of the community--not only the children of the most powerful, the most vocal or even the majority, but all of the students who attend the school. The collection includes materials to meet the needs of all learners, including the gifted, as well as the reluctant readers, the mentally, physically, and emotionally impaired, and those from a diversity of backgrounds. The school library media program strives to maintain a diverse collection that represents various points of view on current and historical issues, as well as a wide variety of areas of interest to all students served. Though one parent or member of the school community may feel a particular title in the school library media center's collection is inappropriate, others will feel the title is not only appropriate but desirable." --American Library Association Position Statement

Chris Douglass
Media and Technology Specialist
Born in Columbus, Ohio to parents that were in the military and ministry, Chris has moved from state to state all of his life. From Alaska, California, Colorado, Louisiana and Ohio... Mr. Douglass embraces media and technology and loves his job. He has opened two new media centers and has been administrating media centers for well over 15 years.


The technology and Media Hub at HHS
Tel: 423-937-6464
Fax: 423-937-
Heritage High School
3960 Poplar Springs Rd
Ringgold, GA 30736