Heritage High School Media Center
Heritage High School's Hub for the Digital Learning Environment
Helpful Sites
Biographical Information
Internet Public Library - In the biography section there is an extensive list of online biographical information sources.
Official Site of A & E's Biography
Online Biographical Dictionary - "More than 28,000 notable men and women who have shaped our world from ancient times to the present day."
Literary History - Guide of criticisms on web.
The Internet Public Library: Literary Criticism - Browse by author, title, or time.
Literary Resources on the Net, Rutgers University
John Hopkins Guide to literary criticism
University of Pennsylvania's Literary Site
Literary Link
High School Journalism Resource
Teen Ink
Fine Arts
Art a GoGo - "Art over easy." This site provides links to museums, events, exhibitions, and ways to learn about art in an easy-to-read, jargon-free style.
Art History Resources on the Web
AskART - The world's most comprehensive database about North American artists.
La Renaissance: Web Museum Paris
The Artchive - Over 2,000 scanned images of fine art, historical background on art and artists, theory and criticism, and rotating "gallery" exhibitions.
the-artists.org - Century and contemporary visual artists. The masters of the past hundred years are represented.
WebMuseum - Provides access to visual images that are out of copyright.
History (United States)
African American History
Best History Sites:
Clamen's Political Archives - Copies of political documents, e.g. constitutional materials, trade agreements, treaties, etc.
Fifty States & Capitols
History Channel
Internet Public Library - Potus Project - Presidents of the United States
Librarians' Internet Index - A lengthy listing of librarian vetted story sites.
Library of Congress American Memory Collection - Primary source and archival materials relating to American culture and history (images also available!).
Nation Master
National Archives:
National Endowment for the Humanities.
Native Americans
PBS Online
Presidents - Meet the men who have held the highest office in the land, read essays about each president and historical documents related to the presidency.
The History Net
The History Place - Browse by table of contents, subject, keyword, or title.
History (World)
CIA World Fact Book
Digital History
Electronic Embassy
European Documents - Primary
History Central
History's Best - PBS
Holocaust Links
Librarian's Index to Internet - Go to arts/humanities and select "history" then go to period or place of choice for a wonderful selection.
Library of Congress - Go to global gateway - portals to the world to take you to the website of every country in the world.
Library of Congress Country Studies
Library of Congress Handbook of Latin American Studies
Nation by Nation – Basic Facts
The History Net:
The History Place
Timelines World
United Nations Home Page
World History Sourcebook
History (Ancient)
Ancient History Sourcebook
Ancient Meso-American Civilizations
Connection for Medieval Resources
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Online Reference Books for Medieval Studies
The Perseus Digital Library
Why Do Civilizations Fall?
Political Science
Government Directory
Governments on the Web
Guide to City Sites
Legal Resources
This Nation - student library section
Supreme Court
The White House
US House of Representatives
US Senate
About.Com: French Language - "The ultimate resource for students, teachers, and lovers of the French language: dictionaries, verbs, lessons, dialects, linguistics, games, quizzes, and much more."
All Info About Spanish Language
Bonjour de FranceLearn French Online
Learn Spanish
Eric Weisstein's World of Math
Math Idea
Web Math
American Music Resource - AMR contains bibliographies, lists and text files about all styles of American music and related issues.
International Music Archives
Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, 1870-1885 - From the Library of Congress go to music section and search by time period.
Worldwide Internet Music Resources Developed by the Indiana University Music Library, this resource offers an index and links.
Philosophy Encyclopedia on the Web
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Chemicool Periodic elements table and information
National Science Digital Library Collection
SciCentral - A clearinghouse for science information in all major categories.
Science World
Scientific American:
Smithsonian Museum
The Exploratorium - Home page of the famous San Francisco Exploratorium.
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
The Worldwide Museum of Natural History - Wide variety of information on the natural world, especially for geology and related fields.
Xpedition - Provided by National Geographic, this is the "home of geography standards on the Internet." Includes lesson plans, activities, maps, and a virtual museum. Look at the recommended links – great resource.
Centers for Disease Control
The Science of Sports
Teacher/Professional Resources
Department of Education - Go to the teachers link for many resources.
Education World
Eric - Educational Resources Center
Great Teaching Resources Links
New York Times Learning Network
Resource Websites for Teachers
Smithsonian Website for Teachers
Teacher Resources Library of Congress
Webquest Resources
Html Crash Course for Educators
Online Resource for Teachers Integrating Technology
Search Engine Information
Statistics & Facts
FedStats - More than 70 agencies in the United States Federal Government produce statistics of interest to the public, from local to international topics.
Global Statistics - Ranging from country profiles with their capitals, surface area, economy, and population, to the highest mountains in the world.
Population Resources Bureau
The US Census Bureau